
The Enlightened Self: Five Steps Towards Inner Transformation

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Enlightenment is not just a concept; it is a state of being that we can achieve by gaining knowledge and understanding of ourselves and the world around us. It is like turning the light on in a dark room, enabling us to see and understand things we couldn’t before. Achieving personal enlightenment is about turning that light on within ourselves, getting to know ourselves more profoundly, and understanding our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

To achieve personal enlightenment, we must focus on five key factors. The first factor is self-awareness, which involves recognising our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours and understanding how they affect our lives. The second is self-acceptance, which means accepting ourselves for who we are and embracing our strengths and weaknesses. The third factor is self-reflection, which involves examining our thoughts and behaviours and learning from our experiences.

The fourth factor is self-improvement, which means improving our lives and becoming the best version of ourselves. We can involve learning new skills, setting goals, and working towards them. The final factor is self-transcendence, which consists of going beyond ourselves and connecting with something greater than ourselves, whether it be other people, nature, or a higher power.

By focusing on these five factors, we can achieve personal enlightenment and transform our lives meaningfully. We can better understand ourselves, improve our relationships with others, and find greater meaning and purpose in life. Ultimately, personal enlightenment is a journey, not a destination, and we must continue to work on these factors throughout our lives to continue growing and evolving. 

Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is Necessary for Self-acceptance.

Self-acceptance is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of ourselves. It’s not just about recognising our strengths and weaknesses but also about accepting them. It’s only possible when we feel comfortable with who we are, both physically and emotionally. 

When we experience the ‘light bulb’ moment, it’s a sign that we are at a turning point. It’s a moment of realising that we need to change something in ourselves. This could be related to our relationships, work, or personal growth. It’s an opportunity to grow and become a better version of ourselves.

However, we also have a choice. We can ignore the moment of realisation and retreat into the darkness of our former selves. This would mean that we are unwilling to face the challenges of self-improvement and growth. It’s up to us to decide whether to stay in the dark or walk towards the light.

In conclusion, self-acceptance and growth are continuous processes that require patience, determination, and self-awareness. The ‘light bulb’ moment is just the beginning of a journey towards self-improvement.

Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is Necessary to Change Ourselves and Our World

People embark on self-discovery and transformation when they explore the path towards personal enlightenment. Through this journey, they learn to recognise and understand their true selves, strengths, weaknesses, and unique qualities that make them who they are. By doing so, they become self-empowered and gain the confidence and courage to pursue their dreams and aspirations.

The individuals who embark on this journey make significant changes in the world. They are the ones who stand up against injustice and oppression, challenge the status quo, and inspire others to do the same. They are visionaries like Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr., whose pursuit of enlightenment transformed them so profoundly that they were able to effect change in their world.

The journey towards personal enlightenment is not easy. It requires a lot of self-reflection, introspection, and a willingness to confront one’s deepest fears and insecurities. However, those who are brave enough to take this path are rewarded with a deep sense of inner peace, clarity, and purpose. They become the best versions of themselves and inspire others to do the same.

Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is a Journey, Not a Destination

While we may experience sudden clarity or “light bulb” moments, it’s essential to understand that these do not necessarily equate to true enlightenment. True enlightenment is a state of being that is achieved through a journey of self-discovery and introspection. 

Life is a journey filled with various experiences, both good and bad. Each experience we encounter can teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and the world around us. Personal enlightenment allows us to make sense of these experiences and integrate them into our understanding of ourselves. 

As we apply the lessons we learn from each experience, we better understand who we are and what we stand for. This process of personal growth and self-discovery is ongoing, enabling us to become more fully actualised individuals who can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and understanding.

Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is a Force for Good and Not Evil

As members of a global community, each of us uniquely shapes the world around us. Our experiences, beliefs, and perspectives are as diverse as the people around us, and it is only by taking the time to explore and understand ourselves that we begin to appreciate and accept the differences in others. 

Learning to accept and embrace our unique qualities can be a challenging but rewarding journey. Through this process, we develop a deeper understanding of ourselves, including our strengths and weaknesses, and become more comfortable with who we are. 

This newfound sense of self-awareness can profoundly impact how we interact with others. Recognising and accepting the diversity around us can foster a more profound sense of empathy and understanding toward others. This empathy, in turn, can lead to a greater willingness to support and encourage others on their path of self-discovery and enlightenment. 

In a world often divided by differences, embracing and celebrating diversity can be a powerful tool for promoting unity and peace. By creating a more inclusive and harmonious world, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Believe that Our Past Influences Do Not Control Our Future

As we go through life, we often face situations that shape our beliefs, personality, and experiences. Our past experiences can sometimes hold us back from achieving our goals and reaching our full potential. However, when we accept that our past life influences have no control over us, we can learn from its lessons and apply them to our future.

Our past often holds us captive to its mistakes, preventing us from moving forward. But, when we reach a state of enlightenment, we can free ourselves from the shackles of our past and use the lessons we learned to improve our future. Acknowledging our past mistakes gives us valuable insights into what went wrong and what we can do differently. We can also use these insights to guide our decision-making and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Enlightenment is the key to breaking free from the grip of our past and embracing a better future. It allows us to learn from our mistakes, grow as individuals, and achieve our full potential. Instead of letting our past dictate our future, we can take control of our lives and create the future we want.

Michelle Skordas

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